Written on August 11, 2015

Icy fingers silently creep across the sky,
You can see them,
You know they’re there,
Whenever they brush against your bare skin,
You can see them move the branches in the trees.

But you can’t see these icy fingers,
The ones that snake their way into your life,
Into the depths of your mind,
The only fingers that are able to,
Wrap themselves around your mind.

Icy fingers causes you to doubt,
Doubt the truth from the lies,
They squeeze and tighten,
So then you can’t tell right from wrong,
Icy fingers work their way downwards.

To your heart they go,
When the heart becomes troubled,
You better be ready,
Ready for a hell of a storm,
A wave of confusion and aching will come.

Not knowing what to do?
Where can you go?
You’re aching all over
Icy fingers causing chaos in your life,
Icy fingers crushing your soul.

You’re left with nothing,
Icy fingers have ruined your life,
You’re a being without any life,
They have caused this to happen,
You are a being in the ground without a heartbeat.

This poem is about the words that people say to you. These words are like an unknown seen force that makes its way into your mind, where it causes you to doubt yourself. The words in parentheses are what the ‘icy fingers’ are. For example ‘The only fingers that are able to, Wrap themselves around your mind. (Words)’ The word in parentheses tells you what the lines before it is all about.

©2017 Alexandra19

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