Written on January 4, 2015

Here I lie in a broken world that can’t be put back together
What a mess I created
What’s left is a fading memory
Of a once strong and mighty girl

She’s left to defend what little strength she has left
To keep hold of what little sanity she has
Some say ‘Words mean nothing.’

‘Words are just words.’
But oh how they are wrong
Words sting like a blade cut across the skin

They’re like a slap to the face
You can never ever forget what a person said to you
I’m left dying from this gaping hole in my heart
That no one can repair now
My mind is far too dangerous to unlock

I can’t speak for fear of the trouble that’ll unfold onto me
Wish for something better than right now

How can I change when everyone is against me
How can I speak without being judged?

How do I show I truly care?
They are leading me to my impending doom
Where I’ll surely die before my time is supposed to end
It doesn’t really look like any other option,

But there’s something better to do with my life than that
But in the grim of time my options don’t look so great
Most of the time wishing for a way out

But no one will help, they are only dragging me down
I wanna be strong, wanna be brave
But I’m shot down for speaking out
Shot down for standing out
No one gives a damn for me anymore

They think they know what’s best
But do they really?
They say I don’t care
But they don’t know me
Would they be better off without me here

I’m starting to think so
My time here may end before it’s supposed to end
I’m driving towards the brink of insanity
Of losing my mind

(If I haven’t already, it may be too late)
So at least let me say my goodbyes
Let everyone hear the last cries of the soul they tore down

Let them remember how they were the ones
Who caused her to leave.
If they can go on without me here,
Then I’m sorry I wasted my breathe all these years.


This poem talks about how I am left to mend my broken heart. I have been hurt by the hurtful words that other people kept telling me. Then the saying ‘words are just words, they can’t hurt you,’ well that’s not true at all. Once you say something spiteful to someone else that person will never forget what you said to them and how it made them feel. It’s hard for me to change my ways when there’s people who are always against me. How can I show them that I care about other people when they’re the ones who are bringing me down.

©2017 Alexandra19

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